This is the final installment in a three-part series about personal finance for the conscious green Edmontonian. It covers:
The above picture is the world oil consumption curve. It is often displayed as just data, allowing what will happen on the down slope to our imaginations.
Peak oil is just one of many ways in which we are reaching the limits of our growth as a species. I find it highly absurd, then, that adults (you know, the ones who are all grow’ds up) cannot rationally discuss the end of growth in polite company. And it’s virtually never discussed by anyone with any power. The fact of the matter is, infinite growth is impossible in a finite world. Let me repeat that:
Infinite growth is impossible in a finite world
Yes, it sucks. Yes, it’s inconvenient. But it’s true.
Maybe it’s a facet of denial, but it is easy to “understand” on one level about growth ending, and then turn around and invest our money in mutual funds and stock markets.
In my humble opinion, investing your money in stocks/mutual funds means one of two things:
The Unicorn Option - You believe that infinite growth is possible in our finite ecosystem. If this describes you, stop reading – the unicorns will deliver your fortune when the time is right.
Option one speaks for itself, and I personally wouldn’t be counting on option two if my retirement was more than a couple of years away. read more... »