Solar Retrofit - Part 3: Looking for Installation Help

As mentioned in my previous posts, I've signed a contract with Taylor Munro Energy Systems from BC for a solar thermal system to help provide space heat and domestic hot water.  My contract is for system design and
major component supply - it does not include installation.

I wonder if anyone familiar with the solar industry in Edmonton could put me in touch with local installers that could help me get my collectors installed on my house.  This is the proposed south elevation:


And the proposed east elevation:

 And here is a picture of the south roof itself (apologies for the poor quality):

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Maureen from e-sage had this to day:

 Have you met Randall Benson - from "off the grid"? I know he does PV not sure about hot water, but you could ask him

Or Harold Verburg - "trimline design center" 

Email me for their phones numbers, if you're interested.

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