Learning from Water

During a break in today’s workshop on multi-party collaboration, Acting in Concert, a colleague spotted the following graph on my laptop screen. 

“Is that a graph of our progress in environmental protection?” he asked me. I explained that it’s a graph of the 40-year downward trend in frequency of dental cavities.

“In every country there is dramatic improvement in dental health,” I said. “But only 4 of these 18 countries fluoridate their drinking water.

In 1931, Dr. H. Trendley Dean, discovered that people who lived in communities with water supplies that were naturally high in fluoride had dramatically better dental health than those who did not.

“The important thing that fluoridated water teaches us is that fluoride is good for your teeth.” I said. “That’s why we put it in toothpaste. And everywhere people brush their teeth they show the same trend line, regardless of whether they add fluoride to their water.”

My colleague looked again at the graph.

“But that means that adding fluoride to drinking water is a waste…” he concluded.


(cross posted at suite-mck.livejournal.com)

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Very interesting graphical illustration! Indeed, flouride is good for our teeth but there's really no point adding flouride to drinking water. All toothpaste contains flouride and that's suitable enough.

Nice information. It just shows how important what fluoride is doing to our teeth. Be it from water or from toothpaste.

What makes it an even bigger waste is the fact that most of the water we use is used for purposes other than drinking. When you do your laundry, wash the dishes, take a bath...all that water contains flouride and is wasted.

I lived in Edmonton all 60 years of my life. I now have Skeletal Fluorosis. It is excruciating.

That Fluoridation does not help dental caries has been proven beyond a doubt, and causes huge health problems. This information has been repressed in NA Britain Australia and New Zealand. 40 Years of Research from India, China and Africa where they have been forced to face this. Do some Research. I did. Start with Fluoride Alert and Dr. A. K. Susheela (world's top expert on Fluorosis and Health Problems caused by Fluoride - natural, Industrial or otherwise).

Hard to believe what a Heist and Fraud Corporatized Industry and Faulty Science have foisted on a trusting public.

Make the SA/GAG Test available - and end the shameful, deliberate denial that our Industry, Science, and Health Care have been indulging in.

PS - there is now a Stop Fluoridation Edmonton Site with a Petition to sign. Please check it out!

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